The Signs and Symptoms of TMD
By Bull Valley Dentistry
Orofacial Health
January 9, 2018
Facial discomfort without a known cause is one of the more frustrating health conditions a person can experience. If you don’t remember anything specific happening to trigger this pain, it is perfectl...
The Advantages of Implant-Supported Restorations
By Bull Valley Dentistry
Orofacial Health
May 10, 2017
The replacement of missing teeth is critical to staying healthy. However, you have options when restoring one or more lost teeth: traditional dentures and bridges, and implant-supported dentures, brid...
Is a Frenectomy Right for My Child?
By Bull Valley Dentistry
Orofacial Health
June 29, 2016
Is your baby having trouble breastfeeding, or does your child have problems with speaking?If so, your child may be suffering from ankyloglossia, or tongue tie. In order to treat tongue tie, Dr. John D...
What Is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?
By Bull Valley Dentistry
Orofacial Health
June 17, 2016
Among Dr. John Dano’s repertoire of dental procedures includes neuromuscular orthodontics, the science of understanding how the facial muscles interact with the alignment of the jaw and bite. The faci...